25 November 2015

5 Things You Didn't Know About This SLP

Today, I am linking up with the Speech Space and sharing five things about me. I'd love to learn more about you too, so please comment (or link up to the Speech Space's blog) with fun facts about YOU!

1. I'm originally from Belgium. My family moved to Arizona when I was four, and it was a little bit of a culture shock! Even though I was so young, I still have some memories of the transition--especially involved with school. I was quickly learning English, but may have had a meltdown when they asked me to go to the bathroom. I thought they were asking me to take a bath at school!

2. I studied abroad in the Netherlands when I was an undergrad. It was such an amazing experience. I highly recommend studying abroad to anyone who still has the opportunity. It was also great because I could hop on the train for an hour or two and visit my family in Belgium.

3. When I studied abroad, the university brought in an SLP to help with accent reduction. I had the opportunity to chat to her and was SO fascinated by how she could help people modify their accents. I researched more about what SLP's do, and I was hooked. This was in my junior year of college, so I scrambled to the academic advisor's office as soon as I got home and declared Speech and Hearing Sciences as my second major. 

4. Because of this last minute change, my senior year was INSANE! I took 6 speech and hearing classes each semester (on top of working in two research labs, writing my thesis, and being a writing tutor). I could not have done it without my amazing SLP friends.

5. I'm obsessed with chai tea lattes from Starbucks. I "discovered" them during my crazy senior year at the University of Arizona, and they helped me through countless all nighters. There's something about the chai that helped me focus more than caffeine in coffee/lattes did. Anyone else have this??

Thank you for stopping by my blog! Jessica is giving away an Amazon gift card to one lucky person, so be sure to head back to her blog post.

I'm also holding a little giveaway myself!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've been an SLP in the same school 28 years :)

    1. Oh wow! I feel lucky to have been at the same school for 2 years!

  2. I've never cared much for coffee or tea...I guess all my all-nighters were fueled by pure determination!

    1. Love it! A little bit of stress did wonders for me too. :D

  3. I worked with 2 clients from Korea on accent reduction in grad school. It was fascinating.

    1. How neat! I've never had the opportunity to work with a client on accent reduction. Maybe someday?

  4. I worked with 2 clients from Korea on accent reduction in grad school. It was fascinating.

  5. Replies
    1. I'm a little biased, but I love Belgium. ;) I think you might appreciate this (http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/23/europe/paris-attacks-brussels-lockdown-cats/)! I may or may not have noticed some cats on your Instagram feed...

  6. I'm glad to hear you say that about travel abroad. My middle son just applied for a class for 4 weeks in Europe! I think it's a fantastic idea!

    1. Oh yes! Definitely worth it. It can be expensive (and a little scary to go abroad alone), but it is such a life-changing experience. I studied abroad over 5 years ago now, and I still keep in touch with the friends I made. I hope your son gets to go!

  7. What an interesting story! I had the opportunity to travel to Belgium and loved the Netherlands--especially the chocolate!

    1. Belgium's chocolate is the best! And their waffles... And their bread/pastries... I'm pretty much obsessed with all Belgian food! I gain so much weight every time I go back!!

  8. Love your story about how you became an slp...so cool!

    1. Thanks, Kelly! I would definitely be on a very different path if it weren't for that SLP. So grateful I got to meet her. I think SLP's have the best job ever and can't imagine doing anything else. ;)

  9. I would love to visit Belgium-and I love your story!

  10. That is so cool that you got to study abroad! I spent a summer in the Czech Republic when I was 17 teaching English and bible lessons. I want to go back to Europe so bad (I only got to see Germany and the Czech Republic while I was there). I fell in love with Prague!
    It was fun reading your 5 fun facts!

    -Mandi of Panda Speech
